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Oil Exploration Company and Schlumberger hold a jointly technical workshop

The Oil Exploration Company, in cooperation with Schlumberger, held on Mon.13/11/2023 a technical workshop. The workshop, which was attended by the DG’s Assistant for Administrative Affairs, Mr. Hussein S. Odeh, a number of the managers of technical departments and specialists, dealt with a number of technical issues in the field of the oil industry.
The workshop, which was held at Babylon Hotel, included several important topics, including the types of licenses that can be provided to the Oil Exploration Company, the nature of contracts related to the company’s work, and the topic of digital transformation, as well as how to use the DELFI platform and cloud computing.
The importance of the training and the specialized and developmental courses held by Schlumberger in cooperation with its training assistant (NEXT), which can offer its specialized technical courses in the field of the oil industry and other supporting fields, were discussed. They also discussed the existence of the training process management program (LMS) and the possibility of participation in it by OEC.
In another axis, the proposal for joint development projects in the field of seismic data processing and exploratory studies with the possibility of having experts following up the work daily to obtain the best results and international standard specifications were also discussed.
The workshop included many discussions, interventions, and the exchange of practical experiences and valuable information on the topics that were discussed to reach the best scientific and technical results.

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