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Seismic crew <span>in all Iraq</span> Seismic Crew

Seismic Crew4


The seismic crew4 was established in 2012, it performs seismic surveys according to the actual need determined by the senior management in the company, using common global technologies of two and three dimensions, using vibrational energy sources or dynamite according to the nature of the land subject to the survey in order to discover and valuate different hydrocarbon accumulations.

It has high technical capabilities and expertise in the field of seismic work, as it has implemented many national and foreign programs with a typical period and high quality results, the technical staff of the crew has a great role in finding solution to the obstacles facing the workflow, as it has gained high technical experience through its work in foreign programs.

The seismic crew4 works with the field control system (Geo land system), the field treatment system (geo cluster system) and the area system (GP SEISMIC 2019) and (Arc GIS).   

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